Live as Champions.

Our LiveChamp Analysis Report serves as a guide for parents to understand their children better and know their strengths and weaknesses. Using our in-house Dermatoglyphic technology, LiveChamp can provide a total of 16 different types of self discovery tools which will be beneficial in kickstarting your children’s journey to live as champions of their own life. 

Comprehensive Report

Detailed Analysis Report

LivChamp offers a 60-page Analysis Report using our in-house Dermatoglyphic technology to understanding the strengths, weaknesses, learning capability and personality of your children. With a 45 minutes consultation, LivChamp aims to guide you through the results of your report through 16 different types of self-discovery tools to better understand and enhance your relationship with your children.

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Comprehensive Analysis Report

(Digital Version +45 Mins Consultation)

*Promo until 30 Jun 2025!


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We Are The Best Choice For Your Child's Future

Our LivChamp Analysis Report offers a total of 15 different types of self discovery tools which are beneficial to understanding the strengths, weaknesses and learning capability of your children. LivChamp’s mission is to equip you and your children with the necessary knowledge so your children can live as champions of their own life.

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